The Matthew 25 team is now collecting cold weather comfort items to share with our guests at the February 8 meal.  We need donations of new knit hats, gloves, scarves, and socks that would be suitable for adults and children.  Please consider making a donation.  You may place items in the basket labeled Matthew 25 outside the Sanctuary or in the bin outside Wesley Hall.  For more information contact Lorre Bowen at 252-944-6548 or email her at lorrebowen@gmail.com.



Join us on Wednesday nights at 6:15 p.m. following dinner as we continue our study titled “Love in Chaos.”  Each week we will view a short video clip then have discussions talking about Love in Chaos.  This study shows that we don’t have to look far to see division in our world but helps us in how we can respond to this chaos and what it’s like to live faithfully to God in these times.  Join us through February 19.  If you miss a week, it’s okay!  Bring your Bible and a notebook and be ready to continue our growing in Christ!



The GMC, within the provisions of the Book of Disciplines and Doctrines, allows more latitude for local churches to determine their structure and select their pastoral staff.  Given this new reality and the evolving needs of our church, the SPRC, with the blessing of the Church Council, has embarked on an organizational review.  The foundation of this review will be information gathered from interviews with a diverse cross-section of church members from both services, as well as staff.  The objective is to better understand whether our current organizational structure and leadership can be enhanced to better enable FMCW to achieve its mission.  Should you have questions about this effort, please reach out to Chris Smith, SPRC Chair at jcscypress@gmail.com.



We will collect new blankets for Western N.C.  All church members are invited and encouraged to participate.  Boxes for these new blankets are located outside the Sanctuary, in the Fellowship Hall, and outside Wesley Hall.  Thanks for your help with this mission!



Our Church now offers secure online giving through Square!  You may designate funds to go towards various ministries of our Church or give to the General Fund. Visit our website at www.fmcwashington.com. Select Online Giving and follow the prompts from there.  ContactChris Bollow.



If you wish to have the Altar Flowers in Wesley Hall, the Sanctuary, or both, please call the church office to schedule your preferred date.


If you are interested in being a part of the Communion Servers’ rotation for the 9:00 a.m. Worship Service, please talk with Brenda Bernhardt at 252-714-4867 or call the church office at 252-946-3311.  You will receive the blessing!  We extend a special thank you to those who continue to serve.



Offering left at the Altar railing or placed in the offering plate in a labeled envelope (cash or check) will be placed in the Barnabas Fund.  The purpose of the Barnabas Fund or Pastor’s Discretionary Fund is to receive monetary gifts (outside of the FMCW budget) to provide assistance to the needy within our community and church.  Gifts to the Barnabas Fund are appreciated at any time.