Sign up to help with Children’s Church at the Welcome Center outside Wesley Hall.
Sign up to help with Children’s Church at the Welcome Center outside Wesley Hall.
Our church has a wonderful resource with RightNow Media that has a collection of different Bible Studies, small group series and conferences from various speakers for all ages, children, youth and adults. This resource is free to our church members at the following link:
A fund was established in memory of “Teny” Tanner, the teenage daughter of Fritz and “Punkin” Tanner, to provide a rose on the Altar each time a baby is born into our church family.
The baby’s parent or grandparents must be members of First Methodist Church Washington and will
then complete an information form located in the church office. When the form is
returned to the church office with a chosen date, the rose will be ordered for Wesley Hall and the Sanctuary for the selected Sunday.