Children’s Ministry

Children’s Church

We know that sitting still is sometimes hard for our youngest disciples, so during the 9:00 service in Wesley Hall, we offer Children’s Church for children ages 5 to 7ish.

Children stay in worship with their parents till between the 2nd and 3rd song, then will be led out over to the Fellowship Hall by children’s ministry volunteers where our Children’s Ministry Coordinator Amanda Bazan or our Director of Family Ministries Sarah Beth Wood will lead a time of discipling. These lessons are usually based around the seasons of the church year (Advent, Lent, Easter, Pentecost) and help the children have a better understanding of the calendar of the church with an emphasis on why we come to church and why worship as a church family is important.

We share lessons on why we give offering, stand to sing and other parts of worship so they can learn to worship in church with their family and the church body.

We are always looking for servants to help with children’s church and you can sign up using the link below or on one of the lists outside Wesley Hall or at our Director of Family Ministries door, just down from our Sanctuary.

Signup To Help with Children’s Ministry

The Children’s Ministry leads the charge in organizing Vacation Bible School each summer, usually working with our friends at First Presbyterian Church as well as an Easter Egg hunt the weekend of Easter in the spring.

We also host Family Fun nights during the summer such as water night, movie night, and game nights that the entire family is encouraged to attend and participate in.

Please check the church calendar or Facebook page for more information on when these events take place.