There are a lot of upcoming events planned for our youth ministry, and we encourage all of our youth to pick some events to be involved in. There are some things that need to be signed up for and are time sensitive and those items are in bold with dates due! If you have questions, please let Sarah Beth know!

  • Sunday December 22nd – Children’s Christmas Play at 9:00 am, youth are encouraged to attend to support the children’s ministry!
  • Tuesday December 24th – Traditional Candlelight Service in Sanctuary at 9:00 pm
  • Sunday December 29th – 5th Sunday 1 service at 10:00 am in Wesley Hall – Lessons in Carols – No Sunday School.
  • Wednesday nights will take a break till January 15th when we will start back up.
  • Saturday January 11th – Youth to cook and serve Matthew 25 meal – Youth will need to be at the church by 10:00 to get everything prepared and get their workstations. We should be cleaned up and finished by 1:30. May go out to Cook Out after!
  • Friday January 24th -26th in Blowing Rock, North Carolina with Club ministries. Will need to leave the church at 3:00 pm (Parents please give feedback if this is possible). Will return to church dinner time Sunday evening. Church will cover the cost of the retreat and skiing, youth will need money for dinner on the way up, any snacks or souvenirs they would like and dinner on the way back) MUST SIGN UP BY DECEMBER 1st